Ingredient South Asia provides you the reference to the largest database of Ingredient and Pharma Industries across South Asia, browse the company listing, news, topics, events, and latest on going t...
Ingredients South Asia , Ingredient manufacturing , cosmetic ingredients , Ingredient News , Food & Beverage News , Dietary Supplements , nutraceutica...
WION (World Is One News) brings latest & breaking news from South Asia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and rest of the World in politics, business, economy, sports, lifestyle, scie...
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Найбільший торгівельний центр в Україні «Lavina Mall». Велика кількість магазинів для шопінгу! Багато різноманітних ресторанів! Зона відпочинку для дітей та дорослих! Зручна парко...
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Play Rocketbirds Revolution! featuring Hardboiled Chicken, the original Cock of War - has free demo!
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Hong Kong Interior Design Association (HKIDA) is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation founded in 1991. Throughout the years, our members have grown to include a vibrant community of interio...
HKIDA , APIDA , RIDA , Hong Kong Interior Design Association , Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards , Interior Design , Hong Kong , 香港室內設計協會 , 註冊室內設計協會 , 亞太區室內...
The telecom industry’s trusted Asia Pacific online news platform. Subscribe to the Telecom Review Asia Pacific Newsletter to get weekly updates about telecom operators, telecom vendors, 5G, IoT, digi...
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HKIDA initiated RIDA—the Registered Interior Designers Association project, the objective of which is to promote the interior design profession and gain the support of the government as well as the g...
HKIDA , APIDA , RIDA , Hong Kong Interior Design Association , Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards , Interior Design , Hong Kong , 香港室內設計協會 , 註冊室內設計協會 , 亞太區室內...
Explore a world of shopping, dining, and entertainment at SM Supermalls! Discover the latest trends, enjoy exclusive deals, and make lasting memories with family and friends. Your ultimate lifestyle ...
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Dubai Mall, also known as the home of the Dubai shopping festival, is one of the world's largest shopping malls in UAE. Lots of things to do in Dubai Mall like shopping festivals, hotels, res...
Dubai Mall , Dubai Shopping , Largest mall , What to do in Dubai , Biggest shopping malls , Dubai Shopping Festival , Things to do in Dubai , Dubai Shopping...
位於香港沙田市中心的HomeSquare是全港最大、最時尚、傢俬家品種類最齊全的一站式家居主題商場; 集室內設計、傢俬家品、廚具、浴室用品、燈飾、寢室用品及家居電器商舖於一身的提升生活品味的購物熱點。
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麗寶OUTLET MALL與以往型態有所不同,以快樂為出發點,包含親子、時尚、休閒、娛樂與餐飲等主題,以度假及娛樂型態建設而成,並與麗寶樂園、福容大飯店、F3賽車場相結合,讓歡樂效果無限大!麗寶OUTLET MALL擁有全台灣最大摩天輪及1000席美食街、3200個車位。麗寶OUTLET MALL交通地理條件得天獨厚,臨近國道1號交流道,還有臺中高鐵接駁車及外縣市客運直達,不論從臺中市區或其他縣...
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GlobelinkWW, Singapore, International Freight Forwarding, Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier, NVOCC Operator Asia, Cargo Consolidation, Sea Freight Forwarding, CWT Distribution, Warehousing, Logisti...
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SIAL China is a comprehensive food and beverage exhibition dedicated to Asia and even the world. SIAL, one of the world's three major food exhibitions, will be held from May 19th to 21th, 2025 at the...
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㈜씨엔알리서치는 한국 최초로 설립되어 지난 20년 간 신약 개발을 지원해 온 임상시험수탁기관으로 한국, 중국, 일본, 대만, 싱가포르 등 아시아 주요 거점 국가를 중심으로 의약품, 의료기기 등 헬스케어 산업 관련 인허가 및 임상시험 컨설팅과 그의 수탁 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.
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