Gdpr Compliance Websites
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UL Solutions’ EHS Software provides enterprise risk management, occupational health, learning & sustainability. Help ensure OSHA compliance, manage incidents and minimize operational risk. Collec...

environmental health safety , ehs manager , environmental health and safety , compliance , safety best practices , employee safety training , online safety...
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Oplà srl consuleza professionale in ambito privacy, reti, telecomunicazioni e informatica a 360°.

privacy , GDPR , opla , oplà , net , regolamento europeo , privacylab , software , hardware , voip , innovaphone , centralini , router , teldat , network , siti web...
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Società specializzata sugli adempimenti privacy e regolamento Europeo 679/2016 GDPR, adeguamenti e documentazione garante, siti internet, indicizzazione e negozi virtuali e-commerce Shop, posta cert...

Data Protection , GDPR , 679/2016 , Privacy , Pec , Posta Elettronica Certificata , Software , E-commerce , Siti , Shop Virtuali , Log , Log Management , Busines...
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Nexdigm is a leading professional services group in India providing sound business and tax consulting and accounting services to international companies currently conducting or initiating business in...

business expansion , regulatory compliance , accounting outsourcing consultant , tax advisory , business consulting , business set-up , transaction advisory , fina...
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We help media companies deliver private-by-design, addressable advertising without exposing personal data.

ad-tech , privacy , GDPR
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Medcrypt's products and services are optimized for medical device manufacturers to build secure, innovative medical devices faster while meeting FDA cybersecurity requirements.

FDA compliance , FDA requirements , RTA , Refuse to Accept , FDA hold letter , hold letter , FDA cybersecurity , cybersecurity , secure by design , device lif...
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Datatilsynet er den centrale uafhængige myndighed, der fører tilsyn med, at reglerne om databeskyttelse bliver overholdt. Vi rådgiver og vejleder, behandler klager og gennemfører tilsyn hos myndighed...

datatilsynet , gdpr , databeskyttelse , databeskyttelsesforordningen , persondata , personoplysninger
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Clicky's privacy-friendly, real-time website analytics service is simply the best way to monitor, analyze, and react to your website's traffic in real time.

web analytics , website analytics , privacy friendly , gdpr compliant , google analytics alternative , real time
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GDPR - The General Data Protection Regulation is a series of laws that were approved by the EU Parliament in 2016. They will come into affect on May 25th 2018.

privacy policy , gdpr , general data protection regulation
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Empresa experta en Ciberseguridad. Líder en consultoría y Auditoría en normas PCI (DSS, SSF, CPP, PIN etc.). Especialistas en servicios de RedTeam, Hacking Ético y Auditorías de Seguridad. Consultorí...

Ciberseguridad , Normas PCI (DSS , SSF , CPP , PIN) , Red Team , hacking Ético , Consultoría 27001 , Consultoría 22301 , Consultoría 27032 , GDPR , Forensics , P...
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SecureHIT provee a su práctica la capacidad de alcanzar al Intercambio de información de salud sin vínculos con portales o entidades compartidas, al mismo tiempo usted continúa siendo el dueño de sus...

Direct , HIE , compliance , cumplimiento , electronic health , health services , record electronico , security health , seguridad
1 2 3 4 5 is a news, information and education site for IT and non-IT executives, managers and professionals that focuses on information risk management, a process designed to protect an orga... , inforisktoday , information risk today , risk management , fraud , compliance , privacy , audit , education , technology , governance , info...
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Clicky's privacy-friendly, real-time website analytics service is simply the best way to monitor, analyze, and react to your website's traffic in real time.

web analytics , website analytics , privacy friendly , gdpr compliant , google analytics alternative , real time
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The Center for Accessible Technology (C4AT) works with organizations to provide accessibility audits, access consulting, and user-testing. C4AT works with individuals and organizations to provide ass...

user testing products , user testing online , accessibility audit service , user testing services , website compliance audit , access consultant , user tes...
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Ampcus Cyber Inc is a pure-play Cyber Security service company based in Chantilly, Virginia. We offer a unique array of services like NERC CIP compliance, industrial Cyber security (IoT & IIoT), ...

Ampcus Cyber , Ampcus Cyber Inc , cyber security services , cyber security solutions , managed cyber security services , pci compliance services , dss comp...
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Financial IT is the venue where community makes itself heard. Innovation is the common feature of the companies that we work with. We provide a digital platform for product listings, multimedia and o...

digital magazine , Fintech , banking , payments , cloud , trading , foreign exchange , security , fraud , regtech , compliance , investment , security , blockchai...
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Ascenz Marorka comprehensive solution supports the maritime industry in its digital and energy transformation. It helps build a more sustainable world. Ascenz Marorka combines 30 years of experience,...

fuel consumption optimisation , energy saving , carbone reduction , decarbonisation , decarbonate , cii compliance , sustainable ships , sustainibility , ves...
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MedOK®, the unique authentication system for health professionals to access the healthcare sites

Medok , trusted third-party , authentication of healthcare professionals , SSO , verification of the status of a healthcare professional , compliance with...
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Front Rush provides smart, collaborative athletics management software solutions that drive data, efficiency, communication and coach productivity. Our best-in-class recruiting software supports 9,50...

NCAA Compliance , Athletic Recruiting Software , Athletic Equipment Management Software , Equipment Managers , Athletic Department Software , Athletic For...