Gnu Hurd Websites
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Sinodun is a research and development company primarily focused on internet protocols. Our expertise includes DNS, DNSSEC, system administration and software development. Our clients range from DNS r...

dns , dnssec , security , Linux , GNU , FreeBSD , OS X , IETF , Internet , engineering , protocols , IPv6 , privacy
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Um podcast sobre tecnologia em geral, mas especialmente focado em Software Livre, Open Source e GNU/Linux

podcast , hack , cast , gnu , linux , programação , python , tecnologia , nerd
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China LUG 是一个聚合网站,帮助各地的 Linux 用户和开源爱好者们找到自己身边的开源社区、开源组织、LUG 和开源镜像,同时发布最新的开源软件消息、社区/Lug 新闻动态、开源活动通告、沙龙通告等。

ChinaLUG , China , LUG , 中国LUG , 中国Linux , 开源 , 开源社区 , 新闻 , 中国 , Linux , GNU , 上海 , 深圳 , 北京 , 成都 , 武汉 , 西安 , 哈尔滨 , 长沙 , 开源软件
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Debian is an operating system and a distribution of Free Software. It is maintained and updated through the work of many users who volunteer their time and effort.

debian , GNU , linux , unix , open source , free , DFSG
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Charlie Harvey's website — the lair of the ciderpunx. Being the home page of Charlie Harvey with diverse musings on cider, geekery and perl.

charlie harvey , charlie , harvey , perl , html , punk , punk rock , cider , ciderpunx , direct action , boozeulator , daily mail generator , code , floss , gnu/li...
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A Blog, A Website and A container for all my views with excerpts from technology, travel, films, india, photography, kannada, friends and other interests. I am Thejesh GN. Friends call me Thej.

thej , thejesh , thejeshgn , thejesh nagarathna , technology , india , java , javascript , travel , web , web2.0 , friends , hack , social , open source , free software , gnu , softwa...
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Full Circle is a free, independent, monthly magazine dedicated to the Ubuntu family of Linux operating systems. Each month, it contains helpful how-to news and reader submitted stories. There is also...

Linux , Free and Open Source , GNU
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Manifestazione italiana dedicata a GNU/Linux, al software libero, alla cultura aperta e alla condivisione.

Linux Day , Milano , GNU , GNU/Linux , Open Source , Software Libero , Condivisione
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FrostWire is a free and easy BitTorrent Client, Video Downloader and Media Player for Windows, Mac, Linux and Android Search, Download, Play and Share Files.

FrostWire , torrent client , BitTorrent protocol , free open source , GNU GPL , Apache Licensed , jlibtorrent , libtorrent , Java , C++ , cloud downloader , med...
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wujunze's Blog 吴钧泽的博客

Blog , PHP , 吴钧泽 , GNU/Linux , Golang , Rust , 吴钧泽博客